What people are saying.
“It’s music that begs you to dance, to move, to revel in the exuberance of life.”
— Bend Magazine
“ The path music has presented to Haaby has remained a constant; his many adventures and experiences serving to fuel each note and melody he writes.”
— Cascade A&E
“Todd has combined all of his musical experiences to write and define a flavor of music indicative of Nuevo Flamenco.”
— Breedlove
“Rivals the best in the genre…Flamenco artist with a clear gift, concise melody.”
— Don Camardella (Grammy award winning nominee and producer for Ottmar Liebert)
“Haaby’s music is filled with infectious melodies.”
— Michael Cooper (Mix Magazine)
“Among the hottest and most stimulating Flamenco music being recorded today.”
— Pamela Hulse (Cascade Arts & Entertainment)